Jesus Stained Glass: The Ascension

The Ascension of Christ in Stained Glass

One of the cornerstones of the Christian faith is the belief that Christ’s life did not end forever when He died on the cross. Those who trust in the word of the Lord believe He rose again on the third day and was taken to Heaven by God the Father 40 days later. The Ascension is a popular theme for Jesus stained glass as it reminds parishioners that life is everlasting. It also offers hope that Jesus will one day return, and that those who have lived well on earth will be called to Heaven to share in the glory of God.

Christ is pictured ascending in stained glass.

Christ’s Ascension in Stained Glass

The Story of The Ascension of Jesus

Christians celebrate the Ascension of Jesus with a feast day that is held 40 days after Easter. The account of the Ascension can be found in the New Testament. After Jesus was crucified on the cross, He was miraculously resurrected on the third day. This wondrous event was proof that Jesus was indeed who He claimed to be during His earthly life: the Son of God.

After He came back to life, Jesus remained on earth for 40 more days, continuing to share His message of God’s love. On the fortieth day Jesus was called back to heaven, ascending in His resurrected form to sit at the right hand of God and rule forever. The Ascension of Jesus was witnessed not just by a single individual but by 11 of His apostles. In the gospels, those who saw the Ascension describe Jesus being lifted from the ground and disappearing into the clouds high overhead. As they watched their Savior being taken back to His home in Heaven, an angel spoke to the witnesses. The heavenly being told them that Jesus would return one day, and would descend back to earth in the same bodily form. Those who believe in the word of the Lord have faith Jesus will come back to earth to judge those who are living as well as individuals who have passed on.

The Ascension of Jesus is mentioned in both the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, which outline the core beliefs of Christianity. The highly significant event has also been depicted by many creators of Christian art, including those who specialize in creating stained glass church windows, altars, and pulpit fronts.

Benefits of Purchasing Your Jesus Stained Glass Window From Stained Glass Inc.

  • Install your Christian stained glass windows practically anywhere
  • Back lighting options for your Catholic stained glass art to provide a warm glow any time
  • Infuse your religious space with a source of wonder and pride for parishioners
  • Get the look of antique stained glass windows in a shatter-resistant and easy to install material
  • Work with a team of artisans and craftspeople that are highly knowledgeable and passionate about what they do

Add Ascension stained glass windows to your church today!

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