St. Camillus de Lellis

Camillus de Lellis was born in 1550 in Italy. His mother was almost fifty years old when he was born. Camillus was tall for his age and joined his father in the Venetian army when he was sixteen years old. He fought in a war against the Turks and sustained a leg injury which troubled him for many years. After leaving the army Camillus had a religious conversion at the age of twenty-five and he joined the Capuchin friars. Later he went to Rome and entered the Hospital of St. James where he set about caring for the sick and dying. The rest of his life was devoted to this purpose and St. Camillus founded a religious order for the care of the sick. He was known to possess gifts of healing and prophecy, and did not let his own ailment and suffering deter him from reaching out to those who needed him. He died in 1614 at the age of sixty-four while touring all the hospitals of the order in Italy. The feast day of St. Camillus de Lellis is July 18th and he is the patron saint of doctors and sick people. In church art such as stained glass windows, St. Camillus is portrayed as a Catholic priest holding a sick person. If you are looking for a stained glass window for your clinic or hospital, or in your church sanctuary, we will gladly help you design and create a suitable work of art to meet your specifications. Please contact us for more information.

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