St. Celestine

St. Celestine’s birth name was Pietro Da Morrone. He was one of twelve children, born in 1215 to Italian parents. As a young man he became a Benedictine monk and lived as a hermit in the Abruzzi Mountains. His devout and ascetic lifestyle drew many followers to him and he founded an order of hermits called the Celestines which was later integrated into the Bendictines. When Celestine was in his eighties he was elected as Pope, after the papacy had been vacant for two years. Although Celestine was a holy man he did not have the administrative ability to perform the duties of a Pope. After five months he stepped down, becoming the first Pope to abdicate. He spent the rest of his life in Fumone Castle where he died in 1296. The feast day of St. Celestine is May 19th and he is the patron saint of bookbinders. In stained glass windows he can be seen seated and dressed as a Pope, holding a book. Do you need a stained glass window of St. Celestine for your new church building? Then contact us and we will be pleased to help you find the perfect fit for your particular situation.

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