St. Peregrine Laziosi

Peregrine Laziosi, born in northern Italy in the thirteenth century, was the only son of an affluent family. As a youth he became involved in an uprising against the Pope and in the process struck St. Philip who was sent to quell the unrest. Later Peregrine repented and asked forgiveness of Philip, which he bestowed with kindness. This impacted Peregrine greatly and he decided to devote his life to good works and to serving God. He joined the Servites and became a priest. He was known for his preaching and holiness, and his concern for the sick and poor. At the age of sixty, he developed a cancerous sore on his right leg and was due to have it amputated. The night before the amputation, St. Peregrine spent time in prayer and when the doctor came the next morning the leg had been completely healed. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer victims and his feast day is May 1st. In art such as stained glass he is sometimes depicted with a sore on his leg or with a staff. Are you considering purchasing a stained glass window of St. Peregrine? Please contact us, we will be glad to help you find a suitable panel or window.

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