St. Wolfgang

St. Wolfgang is one of the three great German saints of the tenth century (the other two being St. Ulrich and St. Conrad). He was born in 934 AD in Swabia, Germany. He was educated under the Benedictines and later became an ordained Benedictine teacher. In 971 he took a group of monks to go and preach to the Magyars of Hungary. Thereafter in 972, Wolfgang was appointed as bishop of Regensburg, a position which he held until his death in 994 at the age of sixty. St. Wolfgang was known for his zeal in implementing reforms, restoring monasteries, promoting education and preaching, as well as helping the poor. His feast day is October 31st and he is the patron saint of Regensburg, carpenters, wood carvers and stomach diseases. In stained glass works of art, St. Wolfgang is sometimes seen forcing the devil to help him build a church, or with an axe in his right hand and the crozier or staff in his left hand. Sometimes he is shown as a hermit in the wilderness being discovered by a hunter. Please contact us if you would like to order a stained glass window or door panel of St. Wolfgang. We will gladly design and create an artwork to match your décor and enhance your place of worship.

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