Stained Glass Through the Ages: Part 2- The Art

Tiffany inspired stained glass artwork featuring a majestic landscape.

Stained Glass – The Art

Stained glass art is part of our lives, especially our religious lives.  A mesmerizing and beautiful element of church décor, stained glass windows through the ages have provided congregations with teachings of faith using color and light.  The art of stained glass over the years has taken its place among gallery worthy mediums.

Colored glass in one form or another existed in ancient Egypt and Rome, with Phoenicia emerging as an important glass center.  Among the Egyptian early glass art were small glass beads that were formed around clay balls which, when the clay was removed, rendered precious opaque beads.   An exciting peek into the early art of stained glass technique includes the Lycurgus Cup, a fourth century Roman piece exhibited in the British Museum in London, which is a dull greenish gold color which glows in red and purple tones in certain light shades.

Stained Glass Goes to Church

As the crafting of ever changing stained glass art shifted through the ages, artisans experimented with coloring techniques and design elements.  By the fifth century, early Christian churches had incorporated stained glass windows in worship areas. In 675 AD, workmen were brought from France by Benedict Biscop to add glaze to hundreds of pieces of colored glass and lead in St. Peter’s Monastery in England.  By the eighth century, the production of colored glass in Southwest Asia was on the rise, including the creation of 46 recipes for its production, which were developed by alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan.

Medieval Artistry Revolutionized Stained Glass Art

When most people think of stained glass art they think of the magnificent stained glass windows in the churches and cathedrals of the middle ages.  Medieval stained glass artwork featured more than just color and light, it included imagery and pictorial design that added a new layer of complexity to the art.  Stained glass for windows in Christian churches was valued as “the poor man’s Bible,” since lovely and vibrant depictions of religious events and Bible teachings were brought to life for a largely illiterate Christian population.

As windows became bigger, designs became more ornate, colors more vibrant and techniques more complex.  Old world stained glass was created by painting and firing designs, working meticulously to avoid marring the finished work.  In the fourteenth century, silver stain was introduced to the art of stained glass, providing a stabilizing element for more control over the color.

Stained Glass, Inc. Revolutionizes Modern Stained Glass Art

Today, the artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc. of Greenville, Texas blend that old world technique with cutting edge technology to produce superior quality stained glass artwork that is stronger and more versatile than traditional stained glass.  Over 250 times stronger than ordinary stained glass, Stained Glass, Inc. windows are crafted using heat fused mineral pigments on polymer glass, bonded for greater intensity of color and tone.  Stained glass window panels are designed to fit over existing windows with simple installation. Visit Stained Glass, Inc.’s website and browse the extensive online gallery for a look at exquisite stained glass art

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