Church Stained Glass Windows Celebrating Events in the Life of Jesus Christ

Events from the Life of Jesus Christ are Depicted in Stained Glass

It is commonly accepted that Jesus’ public ministry–which began with His baptism in the Jordon River–spanned about three years. This is quite short indeed, especially considering all He taught His followers and the influence His teachings still have on Christians the world over millennia after His death and resurrection. The birth and miracles of Jesus, His temptation, the Last Supper, as well as important sermons and encounters with the common people He loved are often collectively known as the “events.” Given the broadness of this category, it is not surprising that many Christian stained glass windows can be placed under this heading. Although art glass windows are diverse in terms of their subjects, they all serve as a source of knowledge, reflection, and inspiration.

Christ is pictured with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration in this stained glass artwork.

The Transfiguration of Jesus

Important Events in the Life of Jesus Christ

It is impossible to give a recounting of all the important events in the life of Jesus Christ in just a few paragraphs, but some that are commonly depicted in religious stained glass are described below.

  • The Nativity: Although He would come to be known as the “King of Kings,” Jesus was born in a humble stable in Bethlehem. The Three Wise Men brought the baby Jesus gifts and rejoiced at the birth of the Messiah. Stained glass window art depicting this scene captures the love every mother feels for her child and shows that God loved the world so much He gave up His only Son.
  • Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: On His way to Galilee Jesus met a woman at a well. The Jews at the time did not talk to the Samaritans, and this unmarried woman was living with a man. Jesus, however, was willing to speak to her. He asked her for a drink, something the woman readily provided. Then, He told her that those who drink from the well will soon grow thirsty. Those who drink His water, though, will never long for more. The encounter was also remarkable because Christ chose to reveal to her that He was the Messiah before telling the priests and rich men of the land.
  • The Last Supper: An iconic subject of Christian art and stained glass panels, Jesus is usually shown seated at a long table with His disciples. This event marks the last time the Savior would break bread and drink wine with the Apostles before His trials and crucifixion.
Jesus is pictured with the woman at the well in this Gothic stained glass artwork.

Jesus with the woman at the well

Our Faceted Glass Windows Celebrating Events in the Life of the Savior:

  • Are educational tools and a moving source of warm light
  • Offer an easy way to add the wondrous look of leaded glass windows to your church
  • Can be customized to feature Biblical text and your preferred color scheme
  • Capture the sublime mystery of the life of Christ in stain glass

Visit ourĀ events stained glass gallery to see our fantastic selection of church stained glass windows for sale!

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