St. Robert Bellarmine

Robert Bellarmine lived in the sixteenth century and was one of the most important figures in the Counter-Reformation. He was born in Italy, the third of ten children. Robert joined the Jesuits, and became a cardinal of the Catholic Church. He has been named a Doctor of the Church and was canonized in 1930. St. Robert Bellarmine has left a legacy of many books and writings on a wide range of religious topics such as devotion, instruction and apologetics. As an outstanding scholar and devoted servant of God, St. Robert Bellarmine was a mentor and spiritual father to many, including St. Aloysius Gonzaga and St. Francis de Sales. He is the patron saint of several universities and colleges which bear his name, and his feast day is celebrated on September 17th. A stained glass rendition of St. Robert would be a worthwhile embellishment for any church, library, office or home. Contact us to view some pleasing stained glass designs from which to make your choice.

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