Tag Archives: stained glass windows
A rose window with Mary and Jesus.

Christian Rose Windows

Christian Themed Rose Windows Even when she doesn’t appear directly in their design, the Virgin Mary is often linked to rose windows because one of her titles is the “mystical rose.” She did not become associated with this beautiful flower until after the Gothic stained glass windows known as rose windows became popular, but that […]

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Stained glass picturing the Coronation of Mary.

Coronation of Mary Stained Glass

Stained Glass Designs featuring the Coronation of Mary Mary’s Coronation is a subject of many medieval stained glass windows as well as ones crafted in more modern times. The one characteristic the vast majority of these religious stained glass windows share is that it is Mary’s earthly son Jesus Christ who places the crown on […]

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Stained glass Assumption.

Stained Glass featuring the Assumption of Mary

Assumption of Mary Stained Glass Window Art For hundreds of years, painters and stained glass artists have been trying to capture the wonder and joy of the Assumption of Mary in their works. Although there is debate about whether Mary died before her earthly body and eternal soul were transported to heaven, stained glass windows […]

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Stained glass depiction of St. Cecilia.

Christian Stained Glass Windows featuring the Saints

Saints in Christian Stained Glass Windows Many different types of artists–including those who specialize in religious stained glass–have honored the venerated servants of the Lord known as saints through their works. Stained glass windows featuring the saints are a truly beautiful way to add color and charm to your decor.It’s safe to say that no […]

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Stained glass image with shepherds and an angel.

Shepherds Stained Glass Panels

Beautiful Stained Glass featuring Shepherds Pictorial stained glass windows portraying the shepherds who came to visit Jesus on the night of His birth can also be categorized as Nativity stained glass. Some of these art glass windows show the shepherds receiving the news of Christ’s birth while they are outside working in their fields. In […]

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Jesus is depicted in this stained glass artwork as the Good Shepherd caring for His sheep.

Christian Stained Glass Windows: The Good Shepherd

The Parable of the Good Shepherd in Stained Glass Jesus Christ is known by many names, including the Messiah, the Light of the World, and the King of the Jews. In the Bible, Jesus also compares Himself to a shepherd. The notion that the Savior watches over the faithful as a shepherd would his innocent […]

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